Enhance Your MFR

Tips to Enhance Your Treatment Sessions

Remember healing is a journey. It has taken you years to get here, and recovery may zigzag along the way. Be kind to yourself and gentle in your expectations. Stay focused on your goals and progress you have already made to help you through each treatment session. Self-treat daily. You are on your way.

  1. Listen to your body before, during and after your treatment. Identify any areas of redness, tenderness, tightness or tingling in your body, and feel free to share this information with your therapist.
  2. Be aware. Sink your awareness into the pain through feeling, not thought. Allow the area to feel like sinking sand. Do this by feeling the inside of your body. In that same way, scan your whole body to feel the connections to other areas. Ask yourself, “where does this connect internally?” Allow those areas so soften like butter melting or taffy pulling. Imagine more space in this area. Provide feedback to your therapist to assist in any dialoging to reach even deeper.
  3. Reframe your notion of “pain”. Allow yourself to soften your experience of pain. Instead of identifying with, and then guarding against the pain, become aware of the “juicy sensations” occurring in your body. Concentrate on the area where sensations are present.
  4. Breathe into the sensations. As you breathe, imagine you are blowing air out of your body through the area producing the most sensations. Alternately, imagine you are breathing into, expanding and softening that area. This type of breathing puts you in touch with your body and thereby enhances your body awareness.
  5. Unwind. Listening to the messages of your body, allow it to move spontaneously during your session, like a cat or dog stretching. Stay still with any position that seems to tap into the sensations at a deeper level. As movement occurs in this way, fascial restrictions are being released.
  6. Feel your emotions. Emotions are a natural response to this treatment. Be willing to tune in and allow any emotions you may be experiencing during or after treatment to surface. Our bodies hold emotions in our fascial system like a storage tank, until we are ready to release them. Sometimes the body holds them in a form we call pain.
  7. Feel free to express any emotions that may surface. It may feel like just a tiny flash or a large wave during the session or even days afterwards. Either way, this is a message from your body that it is ready to release the emotions stored in the area worked on. Sometimes just expressing the words of the feeling will help release the area. We encourage full expression of all emotions to help your structure release and achieve optimum health; as well as owning your emotions and leave the story attached to them, in the past.
  8. Use images or memories as they come up, and for your future personal work. You can also share them with your therapist to help dig deeper and get closer to locating the source of your pain.
  9. Communicate with your therapist, even things that may seem non-related, silly, or embarrassing. However, try to stay away from “stories”, as they may be camouflaging deeper feelings.
  10. Dialoging may also help release the restricted area. If your therapist occasionally asks a question, allow the response to come from your body or your heart, not your head. Feel the answer instead of thinking the answer. Silence can also be an answer.
  11. Zigzaging is normal. People do not improve straight away. Progress occurs in a zigzag fashion. When you flare-up or have a setback, allow yourself to feel and experience the frustration first and then keep your eyes on your goals. Life and healing are a journey – uphill, downhill, around corners, and in circles. We may even take wrong turns. It still provides us with direction. Sometimes the body is cleaning out deeper levels of restrictions for a greater sense of health.
  12. Visualize your Goals! Try to visualize as much detail as you can imagine. Include a frame for your goals as much as your body will, then support yourself in accomplishing this achievement. goals are adaptable. Allow it to be something you enjoy doing.